Soil has a basic set of properties - hydrological, physical, and biological which are all interconnected and determine how it will perform over time.

The key to creating long-lasting green roof soil is focusing on the right blend of components.

Good green roof soil, or roof podium substrate, is a precise mix of organic materials and lightweight aggregates. Too much organic material will cause the soil to break down more quickly, too little aggregate will affect air and water exchange, and plants will fail to thrive.

The key to a long-lasting green roof is the right soil with the right structure to support your plants and overall vision.

But why is soil/substrate so important?

The first thing to note is that if you install a green roof, you will use substrate, not soil. Soil is too heavy when wet, too nutrient-rich and doesn't provide adequate growing conditions for roof flora and fauna. Substrate is light, porous and perfect for living roofs. Therefore, it's a crucial part of a living roof project. Without a suitable roof podium substrate, the long-term health of a green roof can be at risk

With decades of experience, we will provide you with a custom soil recipe designed to make your project thrive.

Our extensive knowledge of soil extends to our work on podiumslandscaping, and living walls.

Follow our soil expert on LinkedIn


Soil System Data sheets:

EGR Intensive Substrate

EGR Intensive Subsoil

EGR Intensive Treepit Substrate

EGR Lightweight Intensive Subsoil

EGR Lightweight Substrate

EGR Topsoil

Soil Soil

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